How to restart applications on Windows 11 and Windows 10 - Windows Basics


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

How to restart applications on Windows 11 and Windows 10

By restarting, you can fix a few minor app issues, make your changes in the app take effect, and even update the app as needed. Closing and reopening an app on a Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC is just a few clicks away. Find out below.

Close and relaunch apps on Windows 10, Windows 10

Quitting and reopening applications on a PC is generally very simple. In the upper-right corner of the app, click the "X" icon. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Q or Ctrl+W.

If your app opens in full screen view and you don't see the "X" icon in the corner, exit full screen mode by pressing Esc or F11 key, then do as above.

Your Windows application is now closed.

Note that some apps, such as Discord, don't exit completely when you just tap the "X" button in the top right corner of the app, but are actually just minimized to the system tray and still running. in the background. To close such applications completely, right-click their icon in the system tray and select the "close" or "quit" option in the menu that appears.

Now, your application is completely closed. To relaunch that application, go to the Start menu, find the name of the application that opens it.

Windows will re-launch the application you selected and that's it.

What to do if Windows applications refuse to close

Sometimes, some apps refuse to close and become unresponsive. This renders clicking the X icon in the upper right corner of the app completely useless.

To solve the above problem, force close the application from the Windows Task Manager utility. This will end the process of running the application on the system, forcing the application to exit completely.

To do that, right-click on the Start menu icon and select Task Manager in the menu that appears.

On the Task Manager interface, click the Processes tab. Then find the app to close, right-click on it and select End Task.

Windows will force the application to close. You can now relaunch the application by double-clicking the application's shortcut on the desktop or finding the application in your PC's Start menu and opening it.

It's all simply that. Hope you are succesful.

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